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WOM Technologies

#42 Hillary Clinton IBD with 12" Talking Bill Clinton Collectible Doll

$ 33.99 $ 39.99

The hand-numbered #42 (of 1000 first run) Hillary Clinton Irretreivable Backup Drive paired with a somewhat worn but still Talking Bill Clinton Collectible doll.

  • The package says the doll is 12",  but it measures a little less than that.  We even measured on a warm day
  • The doll is in good condition, though the box is well worn, and the hole in the clear front cover has been torn from people pushing Bill's button
  • All of Bill's clothes feature quick release velcro.
  • Not anatomically correct
  • Comes with fresh batteries

Actual sound bites include:

  • "It depends upon what the meaning of is, is"
  • "I did not... have... sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky... I never told anyone to lie, not a single time. Never! These allegations are false"
  • "I experimented with marijuana a time or two and I didn't like it, and I didn't inhale, and I never tried it again"

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